Annual Board Meeting

SAFER 2022 Annual Board Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2022 – Embassy Suites – Ontario, CA 9:05 am – 12:00 pm

Board Members present: President Scott Quinn, Past President Keith Gurrola, Vice President Dick Weise, Rob Szczepanek, Luis Manzano, Jason Rangel, Tracy Rabe                                    Board Member via telephone:  Treasure Robert Ashby

      I.         Opening Comments:

President Scott Quinn – Welcomed all board members.  He discussed how great the last presentation at Cal Fire was and the increase in attendance. Also discussed the vacancies on the board.

Vice President Dick Weise – discussed his wishes to get a second NFPA rep

Keith Gurrola – status of Fillmore FD budget is looking better and looking to add full time permanent positions.

Tracy Rabe – Discussed to set a goal to get the year completed for locations and topics to plan better for better attendance   

Rob Szczepanek – Announced that Ventura County will be starting their 60th academy and adding a 4th crew to the Wildland Hand Crew.

Meeting for last year’s meeting minutes approved first by Gurrola and second by Szczepanek

NFPA Report –

Level of PFOBS report, New Fire Shelters coming, NFPA sizing for females, possible mid-year presentation on PFOBS


    II.         Open positions:

President:  Motion to elect Luis Manzano for President – motion by Keith Gurrola and Rob Szczepanek to second.

Vice President:  Motion to elect Jason Rangel for Vice President – motion by Keith Gurrola and second by Dick Weise

Treasure:  Re-elect Robert Ashby – motion by Dick Weise and second by Keith Gurrola



Board Members –

Scott Quinn to IPP Position

Keith Gurrola

Dick Weise

Possible Jeremy Brant

Scott Shuster

Need a Rep from the following:



San Diego FD

NFPA Chair – Dick Weise to transition to add an additional member

Vendor Liaison – To be discussed with Joe Sposato

Sub committees for                                                                                      Communications, Apparatus, PPE, Training, Mental Health, Physical Health – Committee is one person for each

OSHA Rep – to be discussed

Social Media – to be requested with Zach Brenner, tag vendors

Website Management – rework and update

Financial report

Balance $3,086.31

Increase dues last time was 10 years ago

The following amounts

$125 for Department / Vendor

$50 for Active

$25.00 for Retirees to stay the same amount

Remove Scott Quinn for the bank account and add Luis Manzano to the bank account

Meeting Locations and Topics

January - Carlsbad FD – Topic of Traffic Safety (TBD)

February – Anaheim FD – Topic of Solar

March – Ventura City FD – Topic TBD

April –

May – Ventura County FD - Topic TBD

June –

July – Burbank FD – Topic TBD

August –

September –

October –

November – Orange City FD (TBD)

December – Annual S.A.F.E.R. Board Meeting

SAFER Board Meeting Minutes - June 2021

SAFER 2021 Annual Board Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2021 – AllStar Fire Equipment Office

Board Members present: President Scott Quinn, Past President Keith Gurrola, Chuck Seely, Tracy Rabe, Russ Snider, Rob Szczepanek, Gabe Sayegh  (Vender Liaison), Scott Hudson, Jeff Wilkerson,

      I.         Opening Comments:

President Quinn welcomed the board of directors back after a challenging “COVID-19” year. He related the LAFD experiences dealing with agency specific “Health and Wellness” to the operation of the public vaccine program.

Keith shared recent Fillmore FD milestones including positional changes and planned expansion.

Gabe related the manufacturing and supply chain experience they are observing. He advised many suppliers are having problems getting staff to return to work after the pandemic “shut-downs”.

Tracy advised she is continuing to update the SAFER social media sources with up to date meeting information. She related the most recent email fan-out had large numbers who “opened and read” the content.  

Scott Hudson related recent events at the Hemet FD.

Russ Snider updated recent apparatus orders and academy graduating 47 firefighters – all free from COVID -19 during the process.

Rob Szczepanek related the agency had no deaths from COVID-19 in his agency, but had several occurrences of Valley Fever in their brush resource crews. They are adding a third crew with CalFire funding (paid crews) – these resources will be called “HOTEL” crews to differentiate between inmate crews. They will be receiving two “Firehawk” Helicopters soon. Related some electrical utility companies and smaller agencies are contracting with “Private Companies” as well as receiving funding to increase local resources.


    II.         Open positions:

Keith Gurrola motion:

Extend the 2021 Officer / Board Member elections to 2022 election cycle by December – Odd for one year, even for two years, with the exception of the Treasurers position (which needs to be filled immediately)

Motion was seconded by Jeff Wilkerson

Board vote was unanimous AYE


a.    President

b.    Vice-President

c.   Treasurer

d.    Board

e.    Board


  III.         Challenges:

President Quinn related SAFER needs to rebuild / reinforce board membership. He wants to see consistency, “fired-up” programs / meeting attendance.

The issue of “12 monthly meetings vrs < meetings” was briefly flown as a possibility.


  IV.         Meeting calendar 2021 – 2022

Potential Venues:

ü  Barona Casino

ü  Huntington Beach FD

ü  Pachanga Casino

ü  Anaheim FD

ü  Carlsbad FD

ü  Orange FD

ü  Fillmore FD

ü  San Diego City FD

ü  Ventura City FD

ü  CalFire – Ben Clark

ü  Long Beach FD

ü  Santa Fe Springs – (December?)


          Scheduled Meeting Venues:

·       June 2021 – Downey Fire Department

·       July 2021 – Newport Beach Fire Department

·       August 2021 –

·       September 2021 –

·       October 2021 –

·       November 2021 –

·       December 2021 – Santa Fe Springs (?)


Possible Meeting Program Topics:

§  Homeless encampments

§  Solar Panels

§  Mental health

§  1st Amendment issues

§  Electric Vehicles / Hazards

§  Sleep Deprivation

§  “Boyd Street” Fire – (LAFD Incident)



    V.         Next meeting

June 18th, 2021 - Downey Fire Department

12222 Paramount Blvd., Downey



  VI.         Nominations and voting

See Chief Gurrolas motion / vote above.



VII.         Closing Comments:

Scott Quinn related LAFD’s recent experiences / Issues:

ü  Personnel deaths related to COVID -19

ü  Integrating “city staff” into Civil (Disaster) Worker positions with respect to COVID-19 preventive measures

ü  NGO’s (non-governmental organizations). The issues observed when CalOSHA received a complaint regarding PPE / Procedures from within CORE organization. Discussion on what an agency can do to guide / direct an NGO regarding personnel / staff “Illness / Injury Prevention”.

ü  FF’s & PM’s etc. Operate under Pathogen Standard

ü  CalOSHA has extended their investigation “window” from six to eight months.

ü  They will be holding a funeral for a member who passed away from cancer.

SAFER Board Meeting - December 2019

SAFER Annual Board Meeting - 2019

December 2, 2019, 10:00 AM

Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center

1700 Stadium Way

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Board Members present: President Quinn, Past President Gurrola , Tracy Rabe, Seely, Szczepanek, Snider

Upcoming meetings:

December        Santa Fe Springs           LAFD UAS

January             Murrieta FD                   LACoFD


2019 Meeting Schedule and Topic schedule:

·       Board reports and submission:

o   Weak on turning in reports for each committee

o   Keith related the group could be sharing related materials to appropriate committee for inclusion into committee reports

·       Presentation ideas / outreach

o   Solicit input from members / attendees / agencies

o   Include links, research, studies on current topics and prior presentations

o   Solar panels, wellness, Edison / Water & Power, power outages, UAS, South – Ops tour,  

·       Presentation feedback

o   Develop a form on web page to solicit feedback

o   Meeting Minutes:

ü  Unable to include PowerPoint / Outlines / Pic’s and charts to minutes using the SquareSpace platform. (maybe trying to upload file types not supported to website).

ü  SquareSpace platform won’t save formatting from outlined document.

ü  Will follow-up with Tony to improve content in minutes. 

·       Vendor / presentation and hosting locations / April

o   Vendors should RSVP with table requirements and space / access issues to assure desired display environment.

·       Board attendance and support

o   We need board members to attend when possible

·       Increase outreach

o   The more we push the meeting notices the better our attendance

·       Symposium / Regional EGH February 5/6/RTG

o   Planning an event / symposium – LAFD and RTG possible

o   Early Symptom treatment program (similar to Dallas – Fort Worth FD) at Hotchkins.

Revenue Ideas:

Several venders for promotional products were discussed, prices / products to be researched for future consideration.

·       Mugs

·       T-Shirts

·       Dues

o   Increase? Will complete an online vote (no quorum today)

Social Media:

·       Additional outreach and ideas for growth

·       Pre-approval for fallen on FB page (working well)

Keep doing it

·       iPAD sign in or web based sign-in

o   Iman from VCFD will be approached / assigned to support web development

·       Web access reports and notes for monthly meetings


Upcoming Board positions (Even Year positions):

·       President

o   Wants to bow out as President – New LAFD Staff position is taking a lot more time / concentration than prior field assignment.

·       Secretary

·       Others

o   Reach out to “board members” to see who wants to continue / become a board member going forward


Open forum:

o   Electric Fire Engine (Rosenbauer)

o   Discussion of SAFER Grants and AFG Grants.

o   Meeting decorum by attendees

o   Question: How is the “food” by vendor working out? Keith related we could post a sign showing who sponsored the hospitality at meetings. Discussion on ways to maintain hospitality and not burden our member vendors.   

o   Meeting Schedule / Venues looking forward into 2020:


ü  February – Newport Beach                                 (Firehouse world 24th – 27th)

ü  March – Carlsbad

ü  April –                 Vegas / El Segundo?                               (San Diego Wildland Conference 7,8 &9th)

ü  May – VNC ( New 27’s)

ü  June – LAFD

ü  July –

ü  August – Glendale

ü  September –                  (EMS World third week)

ü  October – Ventura City?

ü  November –  El Segundo?

ü  December – SFS?

Possible Venues / host agencies:

SD Fire Rescue


Santa Barbara


Adjourn 11:45 AM

SAFER Board Meeting - January 2018

SAFER Annual Board Meeting 

January 4, 2018

AllStar Fire Equipment 0900 Hours

Board Members present: Gurrola, Quinn, Duran, Wilkerson, Tracy Rabe, Weise, Sposato, Seely, Szczepanek

Scott Quinn related issues he has observed during the past year that he’d like to improve on:

·         Meeting attendance

·         Late Topic Selection (Last minute scramble)

·         Host Agency preparation / coordination


Board member selection / rotation:

The Board Make-Up was discussed, History of the positions and rotations as per the By – Laws.

Slate going forward:

·         Even Year President

·         VP Odd Year

·         Immediate Past President-

·         Secretary – Even

·         Treasurer – Odd

·         Communications – Tracy Rabe

·         Vendor Liaison -

Board Members:

·         Scott Hudson will contact – (Was contacted and wants to remain on the board)

Discussion on the scope of the “OSHA” report should be focused on fire service.

·         Rick Griggs – Replaced by Barry Owens

·         Johnny Cardenas – Replaced by Adam Grandos LAFD

·         Scott Shuster – Maybe Hosting a meeting “Route 66 Shooting”

·         Russ Snider – OCFA

·         Mike Klusyk – SBCo

·         Andy Vansciver – Santa Paula – (Declined joining the board after direct contact)


A group discussion on the board composition, depth and positions in terms of numbers concluded with the suggestion we maintain the four as stated in the by-laws (two year terms) PLUS the Vendor Liaison. Scott related board member monthly meeting attendance is important as a gauge of program commitment.  Directors must be re-affirmed every two years – should begin the process in October +/_. Terms run on a calendar year basis. Officers must be elected by the members at large per the by-laws.


Even Year Slate:

President – Nominations:

ü  Scott Quinn – 1st Dick Weise –2nd Tony Duran

                                Unanimous Aye

ü  V-P (Scott Was V-P, Vacancy for 1 Year) – Dick Weise – 1st Jeff Wilkerson, 2nd Tony Duran

                                Unanimous Aye

ü  Secretary - – Chuck Seely – 1st Quinn, 2nd Tony Duran

Unanimous Aye

ü  Vendor Liaison:         Joe Sposato – 1st Tony Duran, 2nd Seely

Ed Schabro –  (Was added to Board of Directors after direct contact by Tony)

                                Unanimous for Joe Sposato


Odd Year Slate:

·         Vice President –


Member Roster has 185 names that opened emails that Tony sent out. Keith related he believes we could build a "Master List” with a “check box” to speed up sign-ins and improve communication. Will develop an improved sign-in document for January Meeting in Vernon.

Scott Recommended we conduct an audit of membership to define who’s in and who’s out (members and vendors) and to support SAFER with annual dues.

Scott related that we will announce the “accountability programs” we’re now conducting, such as who’s attending meetings, opening their emails and who’s paid their annual membership dues.

Master Calendar on web-site

Reach out to agencies – OES, CSFA both have listings of all California Agencies.

Northern Boundary: Santa Barbara County, San Louis Obispo County


Tony updated the group on status of web-site venders (squarespace, go-daddy, stripe etc.) and explained the relationships / services each provides. Keith related the need to update signature cards for each account / subscription.

FF First Credit Union: as of 1-2-2018, checking $XXX Savings $XXX. (Amounts available on request, please contact SAFER Treasurer)

Tony related we’d be filing our Tax Returns as a “Non-Profit” Corporation for the last two years.


Meeting Schedule for 2018:

Jan – LACoFD @ Vernon FD  

Feb – Fillmore (or a bay city substitution)

March – CalFire – Ben Clark

April – San Miguel

May – Ventura County – Thomas Fire

June – LAFD – Drones?

July - AllStar

August – OCFA / No Meeting? Russ Snider

September -  PPE Symposium  - Large Venue, Working Group To Be Assigned:

                Tony, Michele Trout (Lion Uniform),

                Scott suggested combining several relevant topics:

·         SCAM (NFPA 1851)

·         Wildland PPE (Single layer)

·         Behavioral Health

·         NFPA / CPF “How Clean is Clean”

·         Plan for 200 plus

October – Carlsbad

November - SBCFD

December – SFS Fire-Rescue - Contact Haywood ASAP to ensure December



** Cast a net for a meeting at one of the beach cities: Carlsbad, Newport, Glendale, Clark County (LV)

Meeting Topics:

**PPE SCAM, CalFire Hosted, Venders put on the program in the North and it was very well received. Keith reminded the group of the huge success of the Toxic Twins symposium held at the Gene Autry Museum.


The group discussed the need for a written committee report for submittal into the minutes. A form developed by Scott Quinn was distributed for review. The forms would be distributed to committee chairs for completion prior to the meeting.


Venders -

Technology – Tracy briefed the group on her work on Facebook and Instagram (22 followers, following 63)

Apparatus – Rob Szczepanek

                What’s new in the industry? What problems have been identified in fleet(s)?

Training – Keith Gurrola:

Committee will post links / announcements about various training opportunities. “Near miss”, “Green Sheet” announcements and Accident Investigations to be referenced / announced.

Web-Site – Tony Duran / Tracy Rabe: Being improved with hyperlinks for vender websites and better flow to current information.

The “Blue Card” concept was discussed, Keith related some sort of “discussion board” could be of value, but needs to be monitored / controlled to avoid conflict of mission issues.

The Hosting Agency $$ support for hospitality was discussed. The current board authorized expenditure is set at $200 / meeting.  Tony related most agencies he’s been contacting haven’t taken us up on the offer.


Mugs / Promotional Items: Tony to contact venders of Mugs / Challenge Coins.

Meeting Adjourned:  1220 Hours

***Notes added / modified after DRAFT comments and other updates are in italics in these meeting minutes.

Submitted by Chuck Seely – SAFER Secretary





SAFER Annual Board Meeting Minutes January 20, 2017

SAFER Board Meeting

January 20, 2017

LACoFD Camp 2

1200       SAFER Board Meeting at the conclusion of the scheduled January SAFER Meeting.

The following notes are submitted by Out Going President Ells Fortman:


First off, I want to thank you all for the support over the last two years and for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your President of this fantastic organization.  It has been a great experience and I will always cherish the relationships we have forged.

That all being said, I am very proud to present The Filmore Fire Chief, Keith Gurrola as your SAFER President for 2017-2018.

The following is a list of the 2017-2018 BOD:

• President - Keith Gurrola

• Vice President - Scott Quinn

• Secretary - Chuck Seely

• Vendor Liaison - Joe Spasato

• Immediate Past President - Ellsworth Fortman

• Treasurer - Tony Duran

• Webmaster - Jan Stance (Outgoing, replacement needed)

• Director - Mike Weisenberg

• Director - Rob Sczcepanek

• Director - Richard Weiss

• Director - Russ Snider

• Director - John Cardenas

• Director - Rick Griggs

• Director - Scott Schuster

SAFER Monthly Meeting Minutes - February 2016


SAFER Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2016

SAFER Board Attendees:   President Fortman, Past President’s Duran and Dolan, Seely, Quinn, , Alvarado

Long Beach Fire Department


0930    Meeting called to order –  President Fortman Introduced B/C Paul Alvarado who welcomed SAFER and opened the meeting, led the flag salute and moment of silence to remember our fallen brothers and sisters in the fire, police and military. Thanks to LBFD for use of the facility and hospitality.

SAFER email :, twitter, facebook etc.


  • Program: Annual Apparatus / Equipment Testing

LBFD Engineers Meiers and Shrout

B/C Alvarado introduced the presenters and gave a brief history of the agencies equipment testing program. The department developed a program to standardize all testing across the department, in nine days. Testing covers hose, ladders (including replacement of required labels), calibration of foam-pro systems, radios (reprogram TMAC), pumps, gauges, nozzles etc., all testing meets NFPA Standards. SCBA’s and all spare air bottles (using an outside contractor) to check for hydrostatic test dates. All outdated bottles are routinely “drilled” to remove them from any possibility of re-use. Anti-corrosion (Zinc Anodes) grates are changed and pumps / tanks are drained and flushed. Nozzles are checked and lubricated per manufacturers specifications. 32 Pumpers in LBFD fleet, 7 Truck Co’s.

*PowerPoint Presentation, Check Sheets and Test parameters available from presenters upon request.


  • Business Meeting:


SAFER is collecting annual dues to replenish our funds to support the Safety Mission. Go to online to sign up and pay dues. (Venders $100/Year)

Next Month: 18th of March North Las Vega : Cosmo Hotel Fire will be the presentation.

March 8th, 2016  at LBFD HQ – “Body Armor Prersentation”, Check website special presentation.

VP Wiese via text message: NFPA Rep: (Sick today), 1977 new 2016 is out with new requirements. SCAM is evolving.


  • Roundtable:

Jim Dolan LAFD Retired – Thanks to all attending.

Keith Gurrola - Santa Paula Fire – Santa Paula looking for proposals to provide fire protection services, possibly Ventura County.

Tony Duran; Past President, Interim Treasure- Has moved all accounts and mailing info.

Louie Garcia - Western States fire equipment – Related several products Western States is representing.

Michael Weisenberg– Ventura County - Camarillo Station – May 2oth SAFER – Full day symposium on UAV’s.

Robert Szczepanek- Ventura County; American LaFrance went out of business, will be going to Rosenbouer as their agency apparatus supplier.

Scott Quinn Capt II – LAFD : Drill tower class graduating, will have more classes starting. Asking to maintain a dialogue with CalOSHA on Heat Illness Prevention program. Has an accident investigation going after a fall from a training prop during construction.

Al Brewer LACoFD - Doing recruitment, 56 guys / class to fill some vacancies. Switching to new structure glove -“Dragon-Fire gloves”. AB 2146 advisory committee is looking to bring Cal law into NFPA 1851 Standard – Wearing SCBA during overhaul is one major issue.

Frank Orem - Qual-te l- introduced drone expert / business partner. Explained possible uses of this technology for fire / rescue scenarios.

Terry Parisher CEO – Straight up Imaging -  UAV’s- Explained the utility of his UAV product that will benefit the fire service and others. Various capabilities were given, IR, Chemical sensors, long hover time (20 Minutes+), extensive and other optimized technology. Working with FAA to develop working policy for the use of UAV’s.

Eric Maglio – Straight up Imaging Chief Engineer, builds products to meet user needs.

Rajiv Khatri – Straight Up Imaging Chief Architect: builds products to meet user needs.

Bren Cohee - Christion Bros Mechanical - Diesel Exhaust system builder from San Diego County region. First SAFER meeting.

Jim Evans – Solutions Safety: AB 2146 is proposed law being written for California that will mandate SCBA’s, PPE standards that meet NFPA 1851. State must make the implementation of the law coincide with funding (not a un-funded mandate). Cleaning and inspection will likely be the first to be implemented as it has low or no costs.

Eric Jasoer – BestWay Laundry – Related they provide sales and service of commercial laundry equipment used in maintenance of firefighting ensembles.

Steve Cooley – Cobra Litters:  Discussed the innovative new litter form Cobra Litters that has unique rolling characteristics for use over rough surfaces. Steve related the quality of the device and iuts construction.

Mark Sheldon – Oceanside FD Retired – Days-Off Products: Introduced his product representation: TIC’s, Tools etc..

Rick Griggs – CalFire Riverside: Related his agencies involvement in providing Fire / Life Safety during the president’s visit and the Asian Pacific Summit. Protests, protective service issues. Mass Causality Mode, Response to Public Unrest Mode were among the unusual response strategies were employed.


Lazaro Martinez – AllStar Fire Equipment: Distributor of Lion PPE , Repairs fire hose for LBFD.


Bill Ward – Liqui-Pod: Has a prop that allows real flow water for training and pump testing. Is intended to reduce water waste and still provide realistic fireground operational training / pump testing. Various uses were related including “Drafting” pump operations. Live demonstrations were available in the parking lot utilizing LBFD apparatus.


Tyson Raner – Construction Innovations / FireWatch Digital Communications: Product is utilized to reduce overhaul injuries / toxic exposures to suppression crews by using fire detection at scene to do the “fire watching”. System “reports” to agency alarm center should a re-kindle be detected.


John Cardenas – LAFD – Is new Safety Officer.


Kelly Whitt – WorkRite Uniforms: Now stocking the new technical pant that meets single layer standards for station and wildland. Has several colors available.


Russ Snyder – OCFA – Completing current academy, mostly from other agencies. New class is at week 4.


LN Curtis Fire Equipment: Related May 4th-5thwill be the Fire Wardens Retreat.


Tom Langer – New “Crew Boss” single layer pant, new wildland boot.


Tracy Rabe -  Line Gear Fire & Rescue Equipment : Provides a full line of PPE products.


Jim Clearly – Plymovent: Has over 1000 stations using their system. No Las Vegas meeting is same date as March Madness weekend so make your reservations early.



  • 1130 Moved to outside prop to observe the pump test prop.



  • 1200 Meeting Adjourned

  • Next Month North Las Vegas FD. Program: “The Cosmopolitan Hotel Fire”.





Vender’s, Manufacture’s and Consultants represented at this meeting:


Michael Schlags – Cobra Rescue Litters


P.O. Box 1981

Buelton[CS1] , CA 93427-1981

(805) 896-7993


Kelly Whitt – Regional Account Executive – Workrite Uniforms

(909) 289-5775 Cell

(562) 252-0155 Fax

1701 N. Lombard Street, Suite 200

Oxnard, CA 93030




Walt Dorn – Liqui-Pod

(562) 244-2205 cell

(844)766-5763 ext 104


Bill Ward – Luqui-Pod




TJ Jasper - Bestway Laundry Solutions – UniMac Sales and Service

1035 E. Third Street

Corona, CA92879

Phone (800) 542-6166 ext204


Tyson Raner – Systems Consultant –  Construction Innovations – Fire Watch Digital Communications

(855) 725-9555

(916) 502-3414

5716 Folsom Blvd Suite 155

Sacramento, CA95819

Self-Contained , Portable Fire Alarm System


Ford Davies – B&D Safety Systems Inc. (Business Development)

(916) 765-8648 Cell/text

(800) 983-3518 Central Station

Associates with: SecureWatch and FireWatch electronic monitoring units


Frank Uram- President-  Quala-Tel Communications

Tel (858) 577-2900

Fax (858) 693-4109

Toll Free (800) 442-1504

Cell (858) 945-1659

9925 Business Park Avenue- Suite A

San Diego, CA92131-1171



Louie Garcia – Western States Fire Equipment

(909) 510-4266

(213) 272-5680

13800 Valley Blvd.

Fontana, CA


Jay Terry   Terry’s Canvas

2925 Palomino Court

Ontario, CA 91761

Phone (909) 947-7998



Jim Evans – Solutions Safety


Lazaro Martinez – AllStar Fire Equipment

(626) 255-0433 Cell


Tracy Rabe – LineGear Fire & Rescue Equipment

(800) 466-7574

23121 Antonio Parkway #125

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


Tom Ramstead – LineGear Fire & Rescue Equipment

(800) 466-7574

23121 Antonio Parkway #125

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688









Meeting Attendees (Sign-ins)

Agency / Co                                     NAME                       PHONE #                              EMAIL (s)    

Downey Fire (Retired)                Chuck Seely             (562) 824-3225            

LACFD (retired) MES                    John Price                562-212-6803                 

Straight Up Imaging             Terry Parisher     (912) 667-8990           

Qual-Tel                                           Frank Uram             800-442-1504   

Cobra Litters                                   Steve Cooley          805-377-5348          

Bestwqy Laundry Solutions       Eric Jasoer               (800)562-6166           

Cobra Litters                          Michael Schlags        808-896-7993               

Cobra Litters                    Breanna Bartolucci         805-245-1535                 

Oceanside FD(retired)/Days Off Consultants         Mark Sheldone      760-505-3473        

Western States Fire Equipment      Louie Garcia    213-272-5680   

Chistian Brothers Mechanical ServicesGavin Fenske714-515-0083               

LineGear Fire & Rescue Equipment    Tom Ramstead   949-709-8808                

LineGear Fire & Rescue Equipment    Tracy Rabe     

LN Curtis and Sons            Ed Shabro     76-250-1180   

LACoFD                     Tony Duran            626-590-2991    

LAFD                        Ells Fortman            661-645-1810          

LAFDRetired         Jim Dolan                 562-400-1298                            

SC Products             Jim Evans                 770-634-0848                

OCFA                         Russ Snider             714-308-4338                

FireWatch                Ford Davies             916-765-8648             

Christian Brothers Mechanical               Bren Cohee          951-703-8985           

Liqui-Pod                  Bill Ward                  949-246-6999          

Ventura County Fire Dept  Michael Weisenberg 805-990-4326    

Los Angeles Fire Dept     Scott Quinn             213-434-1380  

Allstar Fire Equipment Inc.        Lazaro Martinez    626-255-0433           

LACoFD                     Alvin Brewer          213-700-4184        

LAFD                        John Cardenas        661-917-7019         

VCFD                Robert Szczepanek       805-914-4021      

Santa Paula Fire     Keith Gurrola          805-377-1491       






SAFER Annual Board Meeting - December 2014

Meeting Date : December 13, 2014
Location : All Star Corporate Offices

Board Members present: President Duran, Weise, Fortman, Quinn, Sposato, Wilkerson, Lloyd, FF Aimin Alton, VCFD - Guest

Business Meeting:

0900 President Duran opened annual board meeting:

A. Duran opened with the continued discussion of Thursday versus Friday meetings. Duran stated he has been asking on several occasions whether the day change was working or not and getting lukewarm and mixed reactions. He stated that the loss of key members, like PP Jim Dolan, was enough of an argument for Duran to request the meeting day be changed back. Having no opposition, a motion was made and seconded to move the meetings back to the third Friday of each month. Following the passing of the motion, the board responded with a rousing applause.

B. Schedule for 2015 Meetings: January 16 LACoFD February 20 NLV/Clark County - need to confirm (Scott Schuster) March TBD AFC, Phoenix, NV April 17 DDL Traffic/Chino - need to confirm May 15 Ventura City/County (CA Lou Manzano/DC K Gurrola) June 19 LAFD - confirmed (CA Scott Quinn) July 17 All Star - confirmed August 21 Pierce/KME? - need to confirm September 18 OCFA - need to confirm (Russ Snider) October 16 Carlsbad ? - need to confirm November 20 LN Curtis - need to confirm December 18 SFS - confirmed

C. Overhead request for new topics made to all members - ongoing.

D. FF Aimin Alton made a presentation to the board regarding the creation (or further development) of a subcommittee on "Emerging Technology" in the Fire Service. FF Alton explained that Ventura County FD is exploring the many ways technology is expanding the reach of the fire service. The proposal was made to create a blog site on the SAFER website where individuals can access information and pose questions on any aspect of technology (RPV/drones, communications, computers, software, etc.) The blogs will be monitored for appropriate/acceptable comments (language) with varying degrees of security depending on a person's membership to SAFER (full members gain all access while visitors may only be able to view comment threads). FF Alton stated they have access to high school students from a talented school of technology where the students must serve 100 hours of community service prior to graduation. These students are very knowledgeable on the ways of computer technology and website control. They would be placed into contact with the SAFER web master for coordination in setting up the system. A motion was made to further research this proposal with no commitment at this time. The motion was seconded and approved by a unanimous vote.

E. Elections

2015-2016 OUT IN President - Duran Ellsworth Fortman (LAFD) V.P. - Fortman Dick Weise (LACoFD) Secretary - Seeley Chuck Seeley (DFD, Ret.) BM - PP Gurrola Keith Gurrola (VCFD, Ret.) BM - Hudson Scott Hudson (HFD, Ret.) BM - Sawyer Rick Griggs (CAL_FIRE) BM - Weise Scott Quinn (LAFD) BM - Obermeier Russ Snider (OCFA) BM - Raganold Marvin Chang (LBFD - proposed) Mat large - Curry Vacant IPP - Gurrola Tony Duran (LACoFD)

2014-2015 Treasurer - Steve Lloyd (TFD, Ret.) Communication (formerly Publisher) - Vacant BM - Peurifoy/Lucas Spellman (Dave vacating his position) (RFD, Ret.) BM - Shaun Malone (NLVFD) BM - Ed Carey (SBFD, Ret.) BM - Wilkerson (CPFD) BM - Scott Schuster (NVLFD) BM - Bruce Vanderhorst (RFD) Vendor Liaison - Joe Sposato (All Star Fire Equipment, Inc) WEB Master - Josh Augustine

F. Revamp Certificate

Duran voiced an observation for the regeneration of certificates for hosting agencies and vendor members. He mentioned noticing past certificates at various vendors that were of a different design than that of the certificate given to the presenters. Lloyd and Sposato reminded the board that a special certificate was created and presented to vendor members for display at their booths during trade shows. Lloyd stated he had the template for the other certificate versions. He also recommended we could frame the certificate in a wood frame for presentation to the vendor members and others.

G. A recommendation was made to create more robust ads, advertise in department publications like "Straight Streams" (LACoFD) and "The Grapevine" (LAFD), as well as Firehouse World and other trade shows. To also add link on flyers to a map to the venue, SAFER website, host's website, etc.

H. Discussion of the outgoing president gift. Sposato stated that had always been the responsibility of the incoming president and paid for by SAFER. This created further discussion for the reinstatement of dues. The current balances are approximately $2549.87 with an additional $1456 in PayPal accounts. The major expense currently is the travel for NFPA representation. This ignited further discussion by Sposato that SAFER should be "run like a business", that any expenses should be submitted to the treasurer for reimbursement. Duran mentioned how all expenses during his tenure were provided out of pocket (printer ink, certificate blanks, etc.) Sposato stated this should not occur.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1145 hours with lunch following.

SAFER Annual Board Meeting - December 2012

Date : 12/14/2012 
Host : AllStar Fire Equipment

Attending: President Duran, Steve Lloyd, Jim Dolan, Rick Griggs, Dave Purifoy, Keith Gurrola, Chuck Seely, Jeff Wilkerson, Joe Sposato

Open Meeting at 0900


Thursday SAFER Meetings:

Discussion on the Thursday Mtng schedule. Related many agencies are dark on Fridays which seemed to be an enabler for increased attendance.  Joe related the Thursday meetings are better for the venders. Dave suggested considering bi-monthly meetings to insure currency and relevancy in meeting quality. Keith related he sees good attendance from geographically nearby personnel.  He added the planning, advertising of meeting (s) and topics needs to ramp up to insure attendance. Suggested “formalizing” the scheduling, planning and delivery of meeting particulars through assignment of the monthly schedule.

Meeting Venues / Topics / Planning:

Some agencies are having difficulty hosting due to economic problems. Example: Cathedral City will probably not be able to host in the near future.  Discussion on the possibility of utilizing private sector sites / facilities to improve quality and attendance. Benefits include increase interface / networking with suppliers and manufactures. Dave discussed the nature of the modern FF and their tendency to dis-engage with professional associations and the load it’s thrown on the few.  Suggested potential “themes” and “topics of interest”. Steve added FIREHOUSE is coming in February. He suggested designing an annual schedule and program list for the future.  Joe suggested being dark in August due to poor availability. President Duran related Phoenix wants to host a meeting (per Chief Varner of the Chiefs Association). Keith questioned the “every other year” / rotation of Las Vegas – Phoenix venues.  Discussion on the attendance of the PPE maintenance event with Karl Beeman’s company.

Firehouse World: Seely assigned to contact and coordinate SAFER booth and meeting location.

Request from Jack Weise for support to attend:

FIERO PPE Symposium March 4-6, 2013 Raleigh, NC         $395.00

IAFC Conference  Reno, NV WUI March 19-21 Fire Tech Reno

Board requests specific $Budget$ requests and attendance justification to the SAFER mission.

SQUARE Credit Card reader for SAFER at various events

Dave related we might be able to capture membership sign-ups etc. at meeting’s and other related events. (2.75% per swipe)

Non-profit status update:

Recalled the board approved professional advise up to $300/ +/- to get direction for cleaning up our Tax Exempt Status with the State of CA.

Website updates:

Pres. Duran discussed the problems updating the website with meeting minutes / program content. Related methods / formats to better communicate products to Josh (webmaster).  Collect and forward to Tony / Josh.

SAFER Speaker gifts (mugs, brief cases etc):

Discussion of future speaker gifts for future events.  We have enough at present.


Reward new membership with a coffee mug at FW?


Discussion to purchase / support an Iphone to support SQUARE device to facilitate on-site membership dues collection at meetings and other events.

No purchase required.  

Board Elections

**Conference Call with Chief Varmer RE: July Phoenix Mtng. To coincide with AZ FC’s Association Conference.


Keith: Gordon Graham Ventura County hosting a presentation on top 10 things to get firefighters in trouble. Jan 31, 2013 in Camarillo.

Dave: Related Riverside City FD’s recent retirees and labor issues.

Meeting Adjourned @ 1214





2013:             Host Ageny              Topic / Course

Jan                  LACoFD

Feb                 SDFD (Firehouse World)

March            AllStar

April               Phoenix                                 TBA

May                Ventura                                 Active Shooter

June               LAFD

July                 CalFire (Hemet-Ryan)       Air Tanker

August           Dark

September                                                   Dupont “Burning Man”

October        Camp Pendleton

November    LN Curtis

December    ORCO


Potential Topics:

CISD, Psyc First Aid

Grant Writtin

B/C Blackboard

Solar Panels

Gore Co


Water Tender Safety


Toxic Twins

Type III IC Teams

Heat Illness / Injury Programs





1st Jim Dolan nominates the existing slate with exception of Sawyer.

2nd Dave Purifoy

VOTE : Unanimous 

 Board of Directors

Term of Office: January 2013-2014


President                              Tony Duran              Tony Duran 

Vice-President                     Rick Griggs               Rick Griggs  

Secretary                              Chuck Seely             Chuck Seely

Board Member                   Keith Gurrola           Keith Gurrola

Board Member                   Scott Hudson           Scott Hudson

Board Member                   Tim Sawyer

Board Member                   Dick Weise               Dick Weise

Board Member                   Doug Obermeier    Doug Obermeier