SAFER Meeting Minutes
December 21, 2018
SAFER Board Attendees: Past Presidents Gurrola and Duran Vice President Weise , Wilkerson, Seely , Hudson, Sposado, Snider, Weisenberg, Tracy Rabe
Santa Fe Springs Fire & Reascue Department
0930 Meeting called to order by Past President Gurrola who introduced Santa Fe Springs Fire & Rescue Fire Department Chief Brent Hayward. Chief Hayward welcomed SAFER, opened the meeting, led the flag salute and a moment of silence for those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice. Chief Hayward related recent activities within the city and the agency.
Chief Gurrola related there are several board member positions
** Thanks to Santa Fe Springs Fire & Rescue for breakfast morning hospitality
Committee Reports:
NFPA – Dick Weise – 1851 is being re-written to focus on cleaning efforts to reduce carcinogen exposures to crews. New Wildland Standard to address all possible exposure routes: on apparatus, in stations, in base camp, etc.. is being developed. Testing modalities / methods are going to be included in the standard to eliminate toxins. County of Ventura is studying respiratory protection at Wildland Incidents.
Cal-OSHA – Scott Hudson – Deaths in CA remained level with previous year. (Second only to Texas) Deaths due to falls continue to rise. CalOSHA will be raising fees next year. If you have an “outdoor” heat illness / injury policy you don’t need to have a separate “indoor” policy. Prop 11 covers private ambulance employees only. Fire smoke exposure.
Vender Liaison – FH World will be in LA City March 24-28, 2019 at the Downtown Convention Center. Joe thanked SFSFD for hosting the December meetings for many years and thanked the attendees for their participation.
Safety and Training:
Apparatus: Ventura Co. handled a lot of apparatus repairs during the recent wildland fire activity. Fillmore related they has a fire on one of their Pierce Apparatus priming pump.
Technology – See Website, Facebook, twitter, linkedin
Treasurer – Tony Duran (Via email to board members) Savings and Checking was reported to Board Members (Not posted herein for privacy / security reasons). Savings ***** Checking******
Communications – Tracy / Tony: Please “sign-in” to receive emails and be included on meeting minutes.
SAFER Meeting Program(s):
Active Shooter / Hostile Event Response (ASHER)
Scott Quirarte
B/C Scott Quinarte - Ventura County Fire Department, HazMat Captain, developer of policy / procedures for response to various “typed incidents”. Is a member of the NFPA 3000 committee and of several other public safety committees / groups.
B/C Scott Quinarte related the evolution of the ASHER program where Law and Fire/EMS personnel are training to improvements in tactics / strategies in response to various multi-disciplinary responses. ASHER was developed in Orlando FLA. With federal grant funding mechanism, includes multi-disciplinary stake holders.
Insert PowerPoint Here
Insert Borderline Bar and Grill sound track here
“We are not prepared for acts of mass violence”
“It’s not about the program, it’s about the networking”
First care providers – citizen actions before EMS arrives
NFPA 3000 tells you what you need to do, not how you need to do it – it’s not a tactical document
To work in the “Warm Zone” (Safety Islands, corridors etc)
ASHER Program:
Run, Hide Fight
School Safety Summit
First Care Providers (Stop the bleed – Equipment and Training) Public access kits
Over convergence – Fire Presence at all Training Events
Unified Command –
Integrating of Dispatch Centers –
Warm Zone Care for Law – (Post Training, Trauma Tuesday, TECC Training at all drills)
TEMS Specialist Program – (Tactical EMS)
RTF Drills –
Micro learning Videos –
Regional Drills –
EMT Schools – Required in curriculum
Trauma Skills and speed – needs to improve across all disciplines
CalOSHA requires “scene safety” to all team members, “Contact and Cover”
Fire Suppression Integrated Response training – (When Fire is used as a weapon Barricade incidents) for LAW
SWAT Training
TEMS Specialist Incident Fire Plan – ID hazards, access and infrastructures
MCI Drill – in Warm & Cold Zones
Prep for event alternative transport possibilities
Scott Quirarte
Round Table:
Dick Weise LACoFD : Lateral FF/PM Exam coming out soon, (100 PM’s short) New Engines and Truck Co’s being speced
Jeff Wilkerson Camp Pendleton FD Retired: Working with Irvine to secure site for California Fire Museum
Scott Hudson Hemet FD Retired – Hemet is “re-manning” certain units after new sales Tax initiative passed. Hemet received two new engines this year. Dept. is using various manning strategies.
Steve Lloyd _Torrance Fire Retired – Former Board Meeting –
Dave Zimmerman – Ventura County – Planning a 40 person academy, department is using a “roving resource” engine to help with peak call volumes. Cleaning up wildland fire (Wolsey Fire)
Mike Weisenberg Ventura County FD – Thanked B/C Scott Qur… for his presentation today. Related what their agency is doing for mental wellness.
FF /PM Torrance FD TEMS Specialist – Thanked Scott
Brian Nunez Torrance Fire : Changing some responses to include Truck Co
Capt –Torrance FD : Just completed their MCI drills
Sean Miller -Cal Fire – Lots of Riverside Co Unit retirements, neew FC
Fed Fire Ventura County – New Mini Truck on San Nicolas Island, had a fire on the island in which other Federal Bases sent resources for coverage.
Pete Brown – Downey Fire –
Mike Whitney Fire – New Dragger 4-gas monitors, personal TIC’s for each front line position. Ordering a second pair of wildland gear (single layer). Remodeling all 4 fire stations beginning next year.
Steve Hoyle – CA Fire Muesum, accepting donations for the musesum
Edwin – 3M – Thanked SFSFD for hosting the meeting. Is attending today to offer latest technology for FF safety
Jim Boyd – Retired Corona PD SWAT: Provides law enforcement training and an array of FIRE / EMS safety equipment (Vests, helmets etc) Can make Kits for agencies.
Bill Ward – Pump Pro USA : Has production unit with 1800 gallons for training, apparatus maintenance and water conservation. Clean water act prohibits discharge into water ways. Several units are being sold to various agencies in the state. They produce a “HelPod” to provide helicopters with a lighted water source.
David Molinaty – Industrial Scientific: Has full line of gas monitors and telemetry for emergency and industrial use
Gabe : AllStar Fire Equipment: Featuring lightweight boots, new NFPA Gloves and Lion Turnouts
Joe Sposado – AllStar Fire Equipment: Thanked CalFire fire for going to the new SCOTT SCBA’s statewide.
Tom Martain : Responder solutions : Manufactures rp
Tracy Rabe – Line Gear – has full line of PPE
Louie Garcia – Thanked SFSFD for hosting today’s meeting
Frank Flores – EMS – Thanked presenter, related they provide safety gear for ASHER response. Is interested in providing
Chuck Spencer – Air Purifying Bandana, works for
Christina – Hero Wipes : Has Fire Wipes and EMS Wipes for on-scene decontamination, has third party testing to show the products can remove up to 95% of carcinogens. Uses patented cleaners in their wipes. Made in Chino, CA.
Tony Duran : LACoFD Retired: NH3 Trainer, provides free training for Ammonia Release Incidents for first responders.
Next Month: LACoFD – Camp 2, Electrical Grid Presentation.