SAFER Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2016
SAFER Board Attendees: VP Wiese, Seely, Quinn, Sposato, Past President’s Gurrola and Dolan
Hosted by: Los Angeles County Fire Department
Fire Camp 2
1000 Meeting called to order – Past President Gurrola Introduced B/C Tom Sullivan who welcomed SAFER and opened the meeting, led the flag salute and moment of silence to remember our fallen brothers and sisters in the fire, police and military. Keith reviewed the purpose of SAFER and its committee structure. The planned program from Chief Brunacini (Blue Card Program) will be presented at the Safety Officers Conference in Scottsadale Arizona. Capt. Dick Weise, an NFPA committee member, will be presenting today’s program – “Firefighting PPE”
Thanks to Fire Camp 2 for use ofthe facility andhospitality.
SAFER email :, twitter, facebook etc.
Program: Firefighting PPE
Fact, Fiction, and Crossing the Barriers to Reality
Capt. Weise / SAFER VP is a sitting member on the NFPA 1971 Committee, 1851 Committee and the 1977 Committee as well as a FDSOA member.
Dick gave a brief description on the NFPA 1851 standard, its content and origin with SAFER’s development.
NFPA 1851 Is on a five year update rotation. (Selection, care and Maintenance – SCAM document). Some states like Texas is an “NFPA” state which means they will, by LAW, comply with NFPA standards –“recognized national standards”. Manufacturers “run” the many NFPA committees with agency representatives occupying a minority of committee seats. Design and protective qualities are measured to accommodate requests / suggestions by end users. They currently don’t test “full ensembles”, only individual parts of the ensemble. Older standards failed to address the “hazardous material” that may remain on various PPE elements after an exposure. Current standards mandate cleaning and evaluation of PPE.
TTP – (Thermal Protective Performance) – Originally determines by exposing sailor’s to heat till a second degree burn was observed. Now tests are measured in a laboratory environment and data collected to determine the protective qualities of each part of an firefighting ensemble. Sometimes referred to as “breathability”.
Insert TTP Chart here:
Helmets need to be replaced at least every 10 years (two review periods). Helmets can only be tested using “destructive testing” so inspection / evaluation must be done periodically to insure minimum performance. OSHA and ANSI require retiring “hard hats” after 5 years for general use.
THL – (Thermal Heat Loss) – A person under “working conditions” develops heat that needs to be released. This can be measured to evaluate the appropriateness of a specific PPE product.
“Second sets” of PPE are becoming more common. Each firefighter injury carries such a high “direct and in-direct” cost that providing the best possible protection IS WORTH THE COST of providing and maintaining superior PPE in the fire service.
New face piece qualities were discussed: Heat exposure (tested to 500 degrees), communications equipment such as “Bluetooth” connectivity to crew Tac as well as command Tac. “Fit Testing” standards were discussed as well as flow performance.
Insert Temperature Effects Slide here:
“Routine House Fire” - 93% are single line fires in LACoFD. Most firefighter deaths occur in single family houses due to flash over. Contamination + Surface moisture + heat cause “Contamination Burn” due to “stored energy”.
It is critical that all PPE elements are inspected after exposure to products of combustion.
Cancer: Insert Cancer Chart Here:
Test cancer (2.02 times greater risk)
Multiple Myeloma (1.53)
Non-Hodgins Lymphoma
Chemicals in smoke, soot dissolve in oil not water and readily pass through the skin. Full structure PPE has vapor protection capabilities whereas wildland PPE doesn’t which is what we often use for overhaul where the highest levels of carcinogens and “toxic twins” exposure. Our gear will cross-contaminate everyone who comes in contact with it, or is exposed to “off-gassing vapors” from residual material absorbed into the fabric or onto the non-porous surfaces. We need to wash hood after every fire, so we need two hoods per guy. No PPE should be in quarters, only on the engine room to minimize contamination of the station and exposure to toxic vapors.
Exposure increases 400% for every 5 degrees of temperature increase.
Gross decontamination “on the fireground” is the best way to reduce personal exposures. Over 100 sets of turn-outs from all regions have been collected by an NFPA committee and are being tested for residual toxic materials.
Hydroxycolomine is a drug given to any smoke inhalation patient.
See the “White Paper” on firefighter Cancer – it’s on the internet, look for the second paper soon.
See Boston FD Cancer video on UTUBE
Discussion on “Single Layering”, some agencies are currently using the single layering concept. Now looking to provide no drip, no burn undergarments with good moisture wicking and anti- microbial fabric for under-garments.
Capt. Dick Weise (951) 808-1914 Cell /
Business Meeting:
SAFER is collecting annual dues to replenish our funds to support the Safety Mission. Go to online to sign up and pay dues.
Marquis Campbell- JPL
Alex Villegas Capt.- JPL
Carlos Ulloa – JPL
Jerry Francel - JPL
Stuart Scott Safety – Building construction is changing and fire behavior is different, SCOTT is working to improve SCBA and integrated communications systems to improve ff safety. Discussed accountability system using bar-code status.
Joe Sposato ; AllStar Fire Equip / Vender Liason: Related the venders will be asked to participate to ensure adequate funding of the SAFER organization. Feb 2 and 3rd in San Diego – FIREHOUSE WORLD, get passes at AllStar table. Related the passing of an old friend (Charlie) who designed and manufactured a lined fire hose to handle 1800 psi for high rise fire protection systems. (Tested to 1200 psi) at the time.
Paul Alvarado – Long Beach FD: Discussed airport issues and the use of AFFF and related that FAA says it now must meet Military Specification. Loe Sposato added “Mil spec must all be compatible with other AFFF’s to prevent the AFFF from gelling in the tank when mixed”.
Jeff Wilkerson – Camp Pendleton FD
Jim Dolan –LAFD retired
Russ Snyder ORCO FD: New academy starting – most are from other agencies. Has had a problem with gloves delaminating. Conducting BC testing this month.
Scott Perigou-UniMac Extractor’s
Eric Higgins Bestway Laundry systems. Has equipment (extractors etc), cleaning solutions. Sales, Installation and service.
Louie Garcia – Western States Fire Equipment. Will be at Firehouse World in San Diego
Ensinitas Fd- Many promotions occurring, Ensinitas works closely with other area agencies for select support needs.
John Cardenas – LAFD Risk Management
Scott Quinn LAFD – Open hiring, classes graduating a new class, looking at SWR contamination risks. Now sampling all water when exposing crews after SWR. Advises to decon after any SWR exposures. Working on an OSHA citation with a $20,000.00 penalty for a heat illness incident. MUST document all Heat Illness, Injury training. Aerial Crush Injury- guy got his foot caught. A training tower accident resulted in a firefighter head injury after a fall from a prop during construction. CalFire conducted a class on “How to investigate a SERIOUS Injury Incident” with LAFD and other area agencies – suggests this as a future topic.
Jeff Howe Burbank FD: Has built a “re-hab” apparatus that responds to all fire incidents. All Burbank flashover container training is nowfollowing LAFD policy: No OSB products to be used to eliminate the associated toxins we expose our crews to. Limit the PPE used to a few that are dedicated to the drills. Looking for recruits – had a limited amount of participation in a recent recruiting event.
Jack – Fed Fire Ventura County Fire – Recently has taken delivery of several new apparatus.
Al Brewer LACoFD – Completed training with CalFire for investigations of SERIOUS Accident Incidents. Related a recent commercial fire event which resulted in four injuries from falling through a roof in an unoccupied building. Build a cadre within the county to assist any agency with accident investigations.
Pete Browne – Downey Fire Dept: Hiring soon, New Peirce Type 1’s being delivered. Having problems with new Dodge Chassis when loading gurneys due to loading height of deck. Several agency representatives offered assistance.
John Price LACoFD (Retired) Rep for MES – Thanked Dick for touching on Cancer in his presentation. Will have booth in SD, 1130 till 600 pm.
Brian Joran – LACoFD – Safety Officer: North Ops, “Blue Sheet Writing GURU”. Related an incident where an older lady pulled a gun on the crew. Another incident where a homeless guy pulled a knife on the PM’s. Related a recent fire where the crew saw only light smoke showing, entered without SCBA, discovered a room and contents fire. Breathed some products of combustion, resulted in illness at t home the next day (passed out twice at home) and eventually ended up in Hospital with CO exposure injury. Dick Weise related exposure to CO results in slowing of blood flow on arterial and venous sides. Important to use the cyanide / CO RX after exposures. Related the LACoFD is developing standards for bloodwork on crew members with products of combustion exposures resulting in hospitalization, acceptable levels for returning to duty.
Frank QualaCom – Provides communications equipment: sales, installation and service.
Mike Schlags - Rescue Carts Related a transport cart he designed and now manufactures for numerous incidents. Described some of the capabilities it offers and tied it’s use to injury prevention.
Mike Evans Solutions Safety – Complimented Dick on the PPE presentation and related the long history they’ve had in the NFPA 1851 standard. Related the various agency / departments that have implemented excellent SCAM programs to comply with 1851. Encouraged all agencies to obtain extractors to cleanse PPE properly to reduce FF exposures and injuries.
Dick Weise LACoFD: KME prices are likely to increase as they have lost NYFD contract. Rosebourg Fire Equipment is looking to increase sales / service capability in the area / region.
Keith Gurrola Ventura Co FD (Retired) now Santa Paula FD - Two out of four exposed crewmembers from the Mission Incident have retired, two more pending. One Type 1 apparatus retired as it was not able to be decontaminated after the exposure.
Eric l. Higgins - Bestway Laundry systems, Manufacturer rep and sales / service for extractors.
Lazaro Martinez – AllStar Fire Equipment,
1200 Meeting Adjourned
Next Month Long Beach FD (Tentative)
Vender’s, Manufacture’s and Consultants represented at this meeting:
Michael Schlags – Cobra Rescue Litters
P.O. Box 1981
Buelton, CA 93427-1981
(805) 896-7993
Eric l. Higgins – Vice President Bestway Laundry Solutions – UniMac Sales and Service
Scott Pereguy
1035 E. Third Street
Corona, CA92879
Phone (800) 542-6166 ext204
Cell (951) 532-7700
Tyson Raner – Systems Consultant – Construction Innovations
(855) 725-9555
(916) 502-3414
5716 Folsom Blvd Suite 155
Sacramento, CA95819
Self-Contained , Portable Fire Alarm System
Ford Davies – B&D Safety Systems Inc. (Business Development)
(916) 765-8648 Cell/text
(800) 983-3518 Central Station
Associates with: SecureWatch and FireWatch electronic monitoring units
Frank Uram- President - Quala-Tel Communications
Tel (858) 577-2900
Fax (858) 693-4109
Toll Free (800) 442-1504
Cell (858) 945-1659
9925 Business Park Avenue- Suite A
San Diego, CA92131-1171
Louie Garcia – Western States Fire Equipment
(909) 510-4266
(213) 272-5680
13800 Valley Blvd.
Fontana, CA
Jay Terry Terry’s Canvas
2925 Palomino Court
Ontario, CA 91761
Phone (909) 947-7998
Stuart Lovi – Regional Manager - SCOTT Safety
(626) 241-0093
(626) 205-2158 Fax
Jim Evans – Solutions Safety
Lazaro Martinez – AllStar Fire Equipment
(626) 255-0433 Cell
Meeting Attendees (Sign-In's)
Phone #
Los Angeles County Fire
Dick Weise
951 808-1914
Downey Fire (Retired)
Chuck Seely
(562) 824-3225
Los Angeles County Fire (Retired) / MES
John Price
Frank Uram
Camp Pendleton Fire (Retired)
Jeff Wilkerson
(949) 830-4087
Santa Paula Fire
Keith Gurrola
AllStar Fire Equipment
Joe Sposato
H3 Safety Marketing
Brian Harvick
Bestway Laundry Solutions
Eric Higgins
Russ Snider
Burbank Fire
Jeff Howe
Cobra Litters
Michael Schlags
AllStar Fire Equipment
Lazaro Martinez
Los Angeles County Fire
Alvin Brewer
FireWatch Alarm
Ford Davies
FireWatch Alarm
Tyson Raner
Los Angeles County Fire
Mark Mihaljevich
Los Angeles County Fire
Brian Jordan
Western States Fire Equipment
Louie Garcia
Bestway Laundry Solutions
Scott Perguy
Los Angeles City Fire (Retired)
James Dolan
SCOTT Safety
Stuart Lovi
Los Angeles City Fire
Scott Quinn
Santa Paula Fire
Austin Macias
Santa Paula Fire
Dustin Lazenby
Encinitas Fire Dept
Jim Gibson
Encinitas Fire Dept
Mike Guralski
Long Beach Fire
Paul Alvarado
Los Angeles Fire
John Cardenas
Fed Fire Ventyra County
Jack Koltaj
SC Products
Jim Evans
Alex Villegas
Marquis Campbell
Carlos Ulloa
Gerald Francel