Safer Monthly Meeting - April 2015

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date : April 17, 2015

SAFER Board Attendees:  President Fortman, VP Weise, Immediate Past President Duran, Seely, Sposato, Gurrola, Snyder, Quinn, Past President Dolan  



Meeting Location/Sponsor: Santa Monica Fire – Santa Monica Public Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica CA., 90401

Hospitality Sponsor: SAFER

0945    Meeting called to order – President Ells Fortman

President Fortman opened the meeting by introducing Chief Clemo who welcomed SAFER to Santa Monica,  briefing the group on recent  development activity in City of Santa Monica and leading the flag salute and moment of silence.

Pres. Fortman - Discussed the benefits of “networking opportunities” such as SAFER and related his experience with developing the LAFD PPE plan / policies with the help of vendors.

New email :, twitter, facebook etc. to be developed

Program:        Department Health and Safety Officer Responsibilities

                        Capt. Scott Quinn / Safety Coordinator – Los Angeles Fire Department

SCOTT.QUINN@LACITY.ORG  / (231) 434-1380

Handouts - PowerPoint Available

Capt. Tony Duran – LACoFD and Capt. Al Brewer related CalOSHA experiences in support of the discussion / presentation. General discussion of key points and past experience of attending SAFER members followed.

Business Meeting 4/17/2015:

Committee Reports:

OSHA:  Discussed in program.

Financial: Lloyd  –  Absent

PPE -  Dick Weise (NFPA Committee Member):

1977 – Wildland Fire Shelter designs with various fabrics being tested in Missoula, including web-gear (no melt no drip).

Single Layer work / studies continue.

Stihl chainsaws now have an anti-bucking feature and have fuel injection feature on new saw line. Stihl is working with working with wildland community to improve their saws for the fire service.


Vendors: Joe Sposato - AllStar – Joe thanked the attending vendors who are in attendance, related the FDIC (next week) is where new development’s in equipment are previewed. 

Technology - Website: New Website is up and operating. Pres. Ells related some of the features available and those that will be forthcoming. Thanks to Jan Stenc (Operations, SC Products/Solutions Safety) for his work in developing the website.

Recess to vendors: 11:00

Round Table Session:  11:30

Firefighter’s First CU: Previewed the services available to FFCU, Related 80 year history. 1.99% for new or used vehicles are now available. Scholarships, kid’s accounts are now offered to the membership.

Jim Dolan, Past SAFER President, LAFD Retired: Jim will be coming to future meetings with the Friday schedule.

Stuart Scott - Safety: ISG now owned by SCOTT Safety, Works out of AllStar.

Joe Sposado – AllStar: Now has a large amount of new brush gear available, new Phoenix helmets now available, new evolution glove available – some specially built for Training use. Recommended the new website.

Russ Snyder ORCO: New academy classes starting. 5 new KME rigs coming.

Jim Evans – Solutions Safety: Discussed the NFPA 1851 program as it relates to CalOSHA and other OSHA state programs and accident / illness incidents. Related the need to implement the central tenants of the standard and work towards full compliance in the future as a matter of policy.

Kelly Whitt – Workrite Uniforms: Related several new products their carrying – Gloves and single layer wildland ensembles.

Tom Foley - Fabric Products: Related the development of improved PPE fabrics, discussed some of the features they’re developing for the future.

Eric Williams 3M: Manufacture of retro-reflective products. Related new improvements in their product line.

All Brewer - LACoFD Safety Officer: New entrance exams proceeding, current process under investigation. LARICs project antennae stopped on county stations.

Tim Mcintyre LACoFD: Apparatus Committee, inspecting new pumpers for Catalina Island, Related agency replacement policy for apparatus: rotation of 10 pumpers and 2 trucks / yr.

Dick Weise LACoFD: Fire Wardens meeting next month in Irvine. Several presentations on incidents will be highlighted.

Scott Quinn LAFD: Related current recruit classes, discussed the documentation of all training program elements. LAFD Is moving towards single layer concept.

Tony Duran - Past President - LACoFD HazMat: Related recent training and drill projects with other agency HazMat resources in the region. Training projects included regional HazMat resouces: CST’s, Montclair Colleges, VNC other agencies.

Mike Wizenberg Ventura County: Testing and recruit academy updates. Discussed some elements with the recruiting process: limited sign-up timelines, random selection strategies. Top portion of Captains list are attending a “Captains Academy” with block testing as part of a promotional track. Final promotional list is developed from the ratings each participant receives during the “academy”.The purpose is to produce a well-rounded company officer.

Keith Gurrola VNC (Retired): Related recent promotions in the agency. Working on May meeting topic – Ventura City offered to cover if needed.

John Petuoglu – Hughes Energy Corp

Jan Stenc – Operations, SC Products (Solutions Safety) -  Working on our website

Kirk Owen – Veridian Fire Protective Gear :Discussed role at Veridian.

Randy Synstad and Steve Hageria - Western States Fire: Fire Equipment Sales. Based in Arizona. New corporate reorganization opens opportunities in California and SAFER.


Adjourned at 1210 hours – Board meeting following

 Vendors / Manufacturers attending:

Jan Stenc – Operations, SC Products/Solutions Safety (makers of CitroSqueeze PPE Cleaner)

+1 (714) 460-8626 ext 5 


Randy Synstad – Fire Protection Specialist, Western States Fire Equipment

(602) 538-3846


Steve Hageria – Fire Protection Specialist, Western States Fire Equipment

(480) 278-2697


Erik Williams – Senior Account Representative, 3M Corp.



Kirk H. Owen – Regional Sales Manager, VERIDIAN Fire Protective Gear

(712) 260-3547


John Petuoglu – Managing Director, HUGHES Energy Corp.


(805) 223-5945


Frank Uram - Quala-tel Communication



Stuart Lovi -  Regional Manager, SCOTT Health and Safety

(626) 241-0093

(626) 205-2158


Kelly Whitt , Regional Account Executive – Workrite Uniforms

(909) 289-5775