Due to Extreme Fire Weather, the Board Meeting has been rescheduled. The new date is Thursday, January 4, 2018 at AllStar Fire Equipment, Arcadia.
Please continue to keep our brothers and sisters on the various fire lines in your hearts, minds and prayers!
SAFER will be holding a meeting of the Board at ALLSTAR Fire Equipment, located at 12328 Lower Azusa Roas, Arcadia, CA 91006. Space is limited but all are welcome to attend. Items to be discussed will be the upcoming year of programming to include potential hosts and presentations. Nominations for Board positions that are due to expire this year. The future of SAFER and how we can improve attendance, communication with members and others and other topics as needed.
Please RSVP to Tony Duran, Treasurer at Firetiger2013-SAFER@yahoo.com , or any other board member, if you plan to attend the meeting.